Aston Workshop - The Left Hand Drive Conversion Specialists
02 December 2008Did you know that Aston Workshop specialise in LHD and RHD conversions? We use the latest EPAS electric power steering for DB4s, 5s 6s and V8 models to provide a cheaper and more efficient conversion for our clients.
With an all new manual rack, the EPAS is far superior to the original hydraulic system with all its pipes and the big hydraulic pump sucking energy from the engine and causing endless servicing problems. Its also much easier and quicker to fit and as there are no pipes theres less chance of leaks so it works out as a much cheaper option.
A nice feature of the EPAS is it is adjustable in strength to suit the driver with a simple control under the dash, and you can even switch it off altogether if you prefer for high speed racing or cruising, then turn it right up for parking in town, its very modern and discreet - in fact you wont even notice it has been fitted.
Aston Workshop are manufacturing left hand drive dashboards which can be supplied individually or as part of a conversion kit or better still let Aston Workshop carry out the conversion for you.
To find out more about the EPAS including costs, give the team at The Aston Workshop a call on 0 1207 232202